Descendants: LA Annual #2 – Copacetic

This entry is part 13 of 13 in the series Descendants: LA Volume 2

The two teams of Descendants finally have some time to talk things through, but as they do, we finally meet the dread Zales as he plots his next move.

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Descendants: LA #22 – Wolverine Publicity (Part 4)

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series Descendants: LA Volume 2

The combined teams come face-to-face with the deadly monster behind the fire and it proves to be no walk n the park to defeat. Only through teamwork and ingenuity will our heroes be able to best this beast before it brings the whole building down around them.

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Descendants: LA #21 – Wolverine Publicity (Part 3)

This entry is part 9 of 13 in the series Descendants: LA Volume 2

The Mayfield Descendants agree to teach their LA counterparts everything they know about being independent heroes. And they get a chance to show it off in the field with a building fire. Only this fire might not be the run of the mill emergency it appears to be…

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Descendants: LA #19 – Wolverine Publicity (Part 1)

This entry is part 7 of 13 in the series Descendants: LA Volume 2

The long-awaited moment has arrived! West meets east as Alloy, Facsimile and Ephemeral guest star in the latest storyline from Descendants: LA!

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Descendants: LA #18 – Fiends and Falsehood Part 6

This entry is part 6 of 13 in the series Descendants: LA Volume 2

Now that they know the truth, the Descendants LA members must decide what to do with it. But that might be complicated as someone on the other side of the country has their own suspicions.

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Lost Tales of the Descendants #2 – Dance of the Jackass

Warrick has a rude awakening on his first day of classes and discovers that some evil can’t be defeated with superpowers. Based on a true story. The chest hair and attitude are real. The names have been changed to protect the in-need-of-an-asskicking. Continue reading

Character Focus: Warrick Kaine

Welcome to a new feature that will be popping up in the blog posts from time to time: Character Focus. This is where I talk a little bit about the conception and development of different characters from my works and after this one, it will be driven by popular demand, so if you’ve got a favorite character and want me to talk about them, just let me know on the forums or in the comments and I’ll make it happen.

This week, we’ll start with the original Descendants character: Warrick Kaine. Now, some of you have read my old blog and know that Chaos and Darkness both existed years before the Descendants, but it’s important to know that when they were created, Chaos and Darkness did have the same codenames, but their powers were vastly different (Darkness’s powers were acidic, Chaos had a lot of fire powers), and they were both just alter egos of myself and whatever girl I had a crush on at the time. So they don’t count.

Warrick counts though, because he started it all. Somewhere about 2006, I was invited to play in a Marvel Universe HERO System game set in the Xavier Institute.

Before … Continue reading

Cast Songs: Descendants Edition

It’s kind of a thing among amateur writers to cast their characters as if they were making a movie. It’s a fun, harmless little bit of day dreaming, and can actually help to flesh out the character by giving you a base to work on. And it insulates us from the cold, harsh reality of the fact that we don’t get to make that description and no matter who we want, any young non-buff, non-hearthtrob male will be played by Shia Lebouf.

I’m not really good at this game. Literally everyone in the world knows more about actors than I do. People always end up with a list of people from obscure cable shows and art-house movies and I’m left with a list composed mostly of people who get their names on posters for movies uncultured everydudes like me see.

But I am a voice acting buff, so I can and have cast Descendants: The Animated Series. Maybe I should have made this post about that. Oh well.

Anyway, I recently read somewhere that Tita Kubo, creator of the anime series Bleach, assigned theme songs to every member of his very large principle cast and I thought it was an … Continue reading

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