Issue #42 – Metal X

This entry is part 7 of 15 in the series The Descendants Vol 4: Confluence

A dangerous adversary, Metal X ambushes Warrick and Tink in New York. What could this deadly foe want and what is he capable of? Strap in for a jaw-dropping issue of Descendants, full of twists and thrills. Throw up the horns, because this right here is going to be metal.

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Issue #39: Descendants 2095

This entry is part 4 of 15 in the series The Descendants Vol 4: Confluence

The Second Annual Halloween/Warrick’s Birthday Party is getting underway with a special guest courtesy of JC. But this psychic may be the real deal, and she’s about to give Warrick a glimpse of the possible future. The first Imaginary Story to appear in the pages of The Descendants starts here!

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