Issue #49 – George

This entry is part 1 of 14 in the series The Descendants Vol 5: How the World Changes

For years, a mysterious figure named George has watched over the Descendants, lending the occasional aide and respite with little being known about him. Now, George has come to visit the Descendants and he’s bringing with him the answer to one of the longest held secrets of The Descendants!

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Issue #20: The Irrepressible Spark

This entry is part 8 of 15 in the series The Descendants Vol 2: Magic and Machines

Tammy Kaine IS the Irrepressible Spark! And unfortunately, she’s just stumbled across a villain try-out session. Lucky for her, her brother Alloy, along with Facsimile, Zero, and The Whitecoat are on their way! And just whose side if Vorpal on anyway?

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Issue #14: Standing With Titans

This entry is part 2 of 15 in the series The Descendants Vol 2: Magic and Machines

The Kin call for help, sending the Descendants to New York in search of them. Along the way, they team up with Warrick’s old mentor, The Whitecoat, in order to tangle with the Tongs and their deadly enforcer the Legion of One. Can Alloy survive a villainous teleporter and do his idol proud? Find out here!

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