Issue #26: Ace Agenda

This entry is part 2 of 14 in the series The Descendants Vol 3: A Bright, Bright Summer

Cyn is feeling lonely with everyone else having other things to do over the Bright, Bright Summer. She won’t have much time for moping though, because Brother Wright and Aces High have a scheme– but why does it involve kidnapping Kay?

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Issue #11: We Will Be Villians

This entry is part 13 of 15 in the series The Descendants Vol 1: Welcome to Freeland House

Project Tome now knows where their missing test subjects went and they have a plan to flush them out of hiding.

Meet the Redeemers: Shine, Wartorn, Launch, Manriki and Wolf. In order to do their job and hunt the heroes, they will be villains. Part 1 of Siege.

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Issue #10: All Saints and Spirits

This entry is part 11 of 15 in the series The Descendants Vol 1: Welcome to Freeland House

Monsters are attacking Mayfield’s citizens, but it’s not Lifesaver’s Inc that saves the day? Who is Occult and what exactly is going on? Laurel turns to the Book of Reason to find out and brings Kareem, Alexis and Ian along for the ride.

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