A Short Absence

Greetings loyal readers of this site.

If you’ve been following along, the past year has not been a great one for me. My mother almost died, we had to move a third of the way across the country, and we’ve been having trouble finding a permanent place to stay; having to live in a hotel for the past two months. Such problems have been evidenced by the lack of weekly articles, a less than stellar update schedule, and even fewer books being released.

The next two weeks are going to be especially difficult, as we’re going to have to switch hotels while still looking for apartments and I’m trying very hard to put together an IndieGoGo/Kickstarter/GoFundMe for World of Ere d20. I have a choice of taking this time off or having my work quality really fall off in the middle of the big anniversary story.

I choose the former. So there will be no updates for the first two weeks of March unless I can find someone to post in my stead.

I really need this and thank you all in advance for letting me take this time to try to shake off at least a few of the cascade of crises that befell me and my family in 2016. If you’d like to help, please contact me via my email on the contacts page. Otherwise, just being patient will be a huge help all its own.

Thank you, and I hope to be back entertaining you all soon.

About Vaal

Landon Porter is the author of The Descendants and Rune Breaker. Follow him on Twitter @ParadoxOmni or sign up for his newsletter. You can also purchase his books from all major platforms from the bookstore
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  1. I don’t normally comment,(not for any specific reason, just not chatty ^_^;) but I’ve been reading for a couple years now and I just wanted to chime in with support. There’s not much I can actively think to do to help you, but if you give some avenue I’m sure there would be people happy to help. Hope things get better for you!

  2. I caught a couple bits of this but not the whole thing. I had no idea you were still living in a hotel!

    Good luck anyway.

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