A New Forum Game Begins and You’re Invited!

As promised, I’m starting up a new forum game. You can check out all of the detailed here. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of badass, hilarious and just plain fun things people pull off in this one!

Forum sign-up is (obviously) required to play. If you have problems signing up, leave a comment one this post and I’ll fix things for you.

About Vaal

Landon Porter is the author of The Descendants and Rune Breaker. Follow him on Twitter @ParadoxOmni or sign up for his newsletter. You can also purchase his books from all major platforms from the bookstore
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  1. The forum won’t let me sign up- I never got the confirmation email, and I’ve been checking my spam religiously. What should I do?

    • My god, like a ton of people signed up in the last two weeks and SMF didn’t tell me! Gah!

      You’re now approved. Your account was created, but needed to be activated.

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